Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 8: Long day!

There was a dying chicken in one of the chicken tractors during chores this morning. Jim grabbed it and broke it's neck so fast, to put it out of it's misery. It was an interesting start to the morning. Also, while I was making good use of my porter poddy this morning, I saw another black widow and then again later on the car jack when I was changing out the trucks tire, now that I know where to look for them, I see them everywhere.
Before lunch work was just a lot of harvesting for me! While Jim finished preparing the beds. I took a quick 5 minute nap today in my wheel barrow, it was incredible, it was as though whoever designed wheel barrows had in the back of their mind the design for lawn chairs. If you sit down with your bottom near the handles, you can recline into the nicely angled front part of the the wheel barrow and then rest your feet on the ends of the handles! It truly is so comfortable!

After lunch was a lot of planting, we planted seeds from 2 to 5. It was a lot of squating, since all the seeds were planted by hand. But it was a good time, I got to learn a lot more about Jim. For instance, he has a past career as a beach side Horseback guide for tourists in Costa Rica. He went to Costa Rica with a construction job opportunity on Joaquin Phoneix's family vacation house. waiting for him, but when he got there, he was ripped off and told that the position was filled. So he started just sleeping under a tarp on the beach with barely any money for food, and then he met a guy who was giving tourist's horse back rides on the beaches. Jim quickly got the job because of his experience with horses. He said his favorite part of the day was at the end when he would be riding bare back, dread locks blowing in the wind, and he would lead all his horses in to the breaking waves in the ocean! Sounds pretty incredible to me! We also swapped sports stories from our respective high school days, and just got to know each other better in general, which is good!

I also found out that he has done some public speaking including a special for PBS and a Ted Talk, the links are included below! Skip to 7 minutes and 30 seconds on the PBS video to fast forward to when Jim is on, unless you are interested in genetically modified cotton.

After planting, we did evening chores, another chicken escaped while I was collecting eggs, and I didn't have the help of Cristos this time. It took me about 10 minutes to catch it. It would hide in that 4 foot high grass, or get on top of the chicken coop where I couldn't reach it, I finally had it in a foot race, in open ground where I was able to take off my hat and dive out on it and pin it down under my cowboy hat! I had to be gentle though, chicken legs break real easy.

This is the batch of eggs I collected though, notice the lower left corner:

I showered off, coldest shower yet, a big storm is moving in and the breeze made me so cold! But a nice warm dinner of salmon beans and rice, again, warmed me up! I also cooked up some fresh veggies!

 This is the storm moving in, and it is going crazy right now outside! I feel bad for Asher and Shawnee and all the pigs! It is non stop lightening and thunder and buckets of rain.

Well it's been a long day! And my eyes are heavy as could be, but it's only 7:30, but still, I'm going to sleep! 

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