Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 5: Day off!

Today was nice and relaxing! I did the opposite of everything I have been doing all last week! I slept late (7:15), ate a whole box of little debbies oatmeal cookies, went swimming, made some bread, did some laundry, watched some movies and did a little reading! It was a good relaxing day off!

I think I caught her, just as she was going to take if for a joy ride.

And as much as this looks like just another scenic shot, if you look close, you can see red and blue boarder patrol lights! Some sort of bust went down right outside of the property! I asked Jim and he said it was either illegal aliens or someone smuggling drugs! You cant tell in the picture but its about 5 border patrol trucks that have 1 white pick up pulled over.

Not much else to report!

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